Dear intermediate students,
first things first, I would like to wish a veeeery Happy New Year! Have you made up your mind about New Year's Resolutions? Quit smoking? Put some money aside? Get organized? Tame the bulge? Exercise? Listen to English at least five minutes a day? Stop thinking about stupid New Year's Resolutions?
I also would like to remind you that you must have finished the book by now and that's why I will be posting some questions here so that you can develop your writing skills. To start with, and as we will be dealing with descriptions in short, please have a quick look at your reading, think about your favourite character in the book and say why you find him or her attractive.
Remember that practice makes the mastery of a language: the more you write, the better you are!
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Hello, I´m going write about how Chistopher looks on my mind. I´m sure that neither of us are going to write the same altough we are reading the same book.
First of all I have to say that Christopher is a boy who is on his teens, so he is a teenager. On my opinion he´s medium height, quite thin and probably a bit lanky boy. He gots a scrufy short black hair. The author don´t say anything abot him, but I´m sure that he is an Eoropean boy (he lives in England)so he is fair-skinned. So young to have a beard or a moustache he is not worried about shaving him. He don´t wears glasses and everybody could see his big blak eyes under those bushy eyebrous. His sohrt nose, thin face and smiling mouth with thin lips show to the people that he is only an innocent child for who the life is just a game.
Hi, I'm writing about how I believe that Christopher's father is.
In my opinion, Christopher's father is a middle-aged man, maybe in his mid forties, who is rather tall, sout an big-boned. I believe that he's got broad shoulders, long legs, big hands and a beer belly. It seems to me that he's fair-skinned, because he's england.
If I describe his face, I think that he's got a round face, a receding forehead and bushy eyebrocus. Maybe, he's got some wrinkles in his forehead and circles, then he looks worry. His eyes are big, almond-shaped and brown. His nose is thin and his cheeks are chubby.
Also, he's got a smiling mouth, full lips and a square chin.
Finally, he's got short and strainght auburn hair.
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